COMPUTER QUIZ – COMPUTER GENERAL KNOWLEDGE IN HINDI & ENGLISH. Objective type Computer Question and Answer. Mock test Computer Science Quiz 2020 for All Comparative Examination like Banks, Railway, CPCT, Computer Operator and other Post.

Windows software was developed by………
- Wipro
- Microsoft
- Apple Corporation
Each box in a spreadsheet is called ……….
- An emply space
- A Record
- A cell
- A Bield
a primary memory is ?
- Hard Disk
- Floppy Disk
The Keys labelled 0 to 9 on the keyboard are called
- Function Keys
- Typewriter Key
- Special Purpose key
- Numeric Key
Identify the name of secondary storage devie
- Microphone
- Hard disk
A Plotter is ———-
- On output device to produce designs and graphics
- An output processing unit
- An input device to produce good quality graphics
- A fast output device using camera lenses
Output made up of pictures, sounds and videos is called ……..
- Multimedia
- Hard Copy
- Graphics
……… is a window program that located and eliminates unnecessary fragments and rearranges file and unused disk space to optimize operations.
- Restore
- Disk Defragmenter
- Disk Cleanup
- Backup
What is the name given to a part of circle on which data is written in storage media?.
- Spriral
- Sector
- Head
- Cylinder
is NOT an input device
- Voice recognition device
- Optical Scanner
- Computer output to Microfilm
All the Instructions from the user and various software are carried out by the……….
- Storage Units
- DVD’s
- CD
not a valid FAT file system?
- FAT-32
- FAT-16
- FAT-12
- FAT 24
Computer General Knowledge – MS Word, Power Point, MS excel Quiz – Click here
Important Shortcut Keys MS office, MS Word, MS Excel & MS Power Point – Click here
Which function returns the arithmetic mean of all the cell in a range that meet a given criteria in MS Excel?
- Average function
- Averagea Function
- AVG A function
- Averageif Function
A Directory within a directory is called a……
- Mini Directory
- Junior Directory
- Part Directory
- Sub Directory
1.CPU pins are reset and registers are set to specific value is a condition for which process?
- Debug
- Compile
- Boot
- Load
2……. is the process of digitizing the amplitudes of image intensity values.
- Quantization
- Encoding
- Sampling
- Packetizing
3. Laser jet speed is measured in:
- Lines per minute
- word per minute
- pages per minute
- alphabets per minute
4.First dot matrix printer was create by?
- HP
- Canon
- Intel
5. If you want print the pages quickly, then which of the following printers is appropriate?
- Dot Matrix Printer
- Character printer
- Photo printer
- Laser printer
6.WWW uses ……….. protocol.
7.E-mails stands for:
- English mail
- Electric mail
- Electronic mail
- Essential mail
8.The background of any Word document.
- is always white color.
- the color preset under the option menu.
- always black colour
- can have any color you choose
9.Designed to create a particular look, a……… contains colours schemes,slides and title master in custom formatting and fonts style
- template
- presentation
- slide
- backgrod
In Ms-word 2013, the button that is related to working with a document, such as clipboard font and paragraph, appears in the …. tab in ribbon.
- Review
- Insert
- Pagelayout
- Home
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11. Which is the following INCORRECT with regard to copying data in a cell?
- You can copy an entry anywhere in the same worksheet or to a different worksheet.
- The copy operation involves use of two commands – copy and paste.
- Copy and paste operation can be done either by using the edit menu or by using the buttons on the standard toolbar.
- Data cannot be copies from one worksheet to another.
12.To find the Paste Special option, you use the Clipboard group on the _______ tab of Powerpoint.
- Design
- Slide show
- Page layout
- Home
13.What is the key combination to choose the save command in Ms-excel?
- SHIFT + F11
- SHIFT + F9
14.XY chart is also known as:
- Bar chart
- Scatter chart
- Pie chart
- Stock chart
15.________ service of Google satellite imagery, maps, 3D terrain and 3D building to create a highly realistic virtual globe.
- Google+
- Google news
- Google Earth
- keep Google
16.Which option is used to remove the drop cap altogether and return into normal text?
- Dropped
- Format
- Edit
- None
17_____ are used to control where each line to text starts and ends.
- First line Indents
- Indent markers
- Hanging Indents
- Left Indents
18. BHIM is owned by which Corporation of India?
- National payment Corporation of India.
- Corporation ofIndia
- Reserve Bank ofIndia
19. What is the key combination of display the Macro dialog box to run the macro in Ms-excel?
- ALT+F8
- C T R L+ALT+F9
- CTRL + F9
20.Indentify the statement which is true with respect to the Sentence case option in the list of change case.
- capatalise the first letter of a Sentence and leave all other letter of lower case.
- exclude capital letters from your text
- capitalize all of the letters
- To capatalise the first letter of each word and leave the other letters lowercase.