GMC Bhopal Non academic syllabus 2021/G.MC Bhopal non academic exam pattern 2021 / syllabus and exam pattern of non-academic post in Gandhi medical collage Bhopal.

हाल ही में मध्यप्रदेश में संचालित मेडिकल कॉलेज में नॉन एकेडेमिक पदो की भर्ती एमपी ऑनलाईन के माध्यम से कि जा रही है। मध्य प्रदेश के सभी मेडिकल कालेज में नॉन एकेडेमिक पद के लिए एक ही सिलेबस है। यदि आपने भी इस पद के लिए आवेदन किया है तो आप निचे दिये गये सिलेबस के अनुरूप अपना अध्ययन रखे । इन्ही टापिक में से प्रश्न पुछे जावेंगे।
- Total number of post –
- Name of collage – Gandhi medical collage Bhopal.
- official website –
- Type of article – non academic exam pattern 2021
GMC Bhopal Non academic syllabus 2021
- General Knowledge of MP –
- River of MP
- Mountain of MP
- MP’s Different Name
- Awards
- Dance
- National park of MP
- MP Establishment
- Soil
- MP cities situated at the bank of river
- MP Mela
- Neighbouring state Name
- Shabhag and District of MP
- Asia’s Country Capital
- Polities of India (Rajya Sabha, Lok Sabha, Rastriyapati)
- First person in India (PM, Bharat Ratna, Pram Vir Chakra, President, Victory of India, Speaker of Lock Sabha, Field Marshal, Chief Justice of India, Param Veer Chakra, Minister, Satellite, Janpath, Award, Magsaysay Award, Noble Price in Economics,
- Commander in Chief, Chief Justice of Supreme Court Field Marshal in India
- Basic Computer
- Information Technology and Society – Indian IT ACT,
- Digital Signatures, Application of Information Technology in Government for E Governance,
- Information Kiosks, Generation of Commuter, Search Engine
- Basic Science –
- Basic Physics – Energy, Work, Force, Equation of Motion, Fundamental Unit, Momentum, Newton Law, Matter and its properties.
- Animal and Plant Kingdom, Environment, Sanitation, Drinking water, Heath, Cell Photosynthesis
- Basic Mathematics
- Number System and Percentage.
- Ratio and Proportion,
- Square roots ,and Averages
- Interest and Profit and Loss,
- Mixture and Allegation
- Time and Distance, Time and Work
- Simple interest and Compound Interest
- Reasoning –
- Analogies
- Similarities and differences
- Space visualization
- Problem solving
- Analysis
- Judgment
- Decision making
- Visual memory
- Discriminating observation
- Relationship concepts
- Arithmetical reasoning
- Verbal and Figure classification
- Arithmetical number series
- Non – verbal series
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