Mental Health Questions for Nursing Exam 2020-21

Mental Health Questions for Nursing Exam like MP Vyapam, AIIMS, and other Nursing competitive examination. Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Quiz Questions

  1. In following which is not a disturbance of Consciousness
  2. Delirium is a disorder of – Consciousness
  3. Illusion is a disorder of – Perception
  4. Hallucination is a disorder of – Perception
  5. Among the following conditions which all are somatoform disorder? – conversion disorder, body dysphoric disorder, pain disorder
  6. Perseveration is the disorder of – thought
  7. Amnesia is a disorder of – Though
  8. Disorder of consciousness in which patient remains motionless and mute, is – stupor
  9. The term which is also used to describe catalepsy is – catelepxy and wasy flexibility
  10. disorder of  motor activity in which the person constantly maintains a position without any movement is – cataplesy
  11. A disorder of motor activity in which an individual repeatedly touches the neck or lifts the shoulder while taking, is known as –
  12. A disorder of  motor activity in which there is frequently repletion of worlds of sentences, in known as –
  13. A mental disorder in which an individual aware of the stimuli but he tries to oppo these stimuli actively or passively, in know as –
  14. In following which is not a disorder motor activity –

16. A mental disorder characterized repeatedly performing an act which unreasonable, is called as –

Mental Health Questions

A mental disorder  Characterized by persistent repletion of an idea is known as –

A mental disorder in which patient finally reaches his objective but only after many unnecessary or trival details, is termed as –

The person is unable to speak –

Common risk factor in patient with severe depression is –

mental disorder dypochondriasis is defined as –

mental disorder Phobia is defined as –

The type of delusion most commonly seen is manic patients is –

A disorder of thought content in whixh patient falsly believes that he is a prime minister or he believes that he is very rich, this type of disorder is known as –

Which type of delusional disorder commonly found in parahoid schizophrenia is – 

A disorder of though content in which patient has a false belief that members of his family are trying to kill him, is –

Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Quiz Questions

Click here for Psychiatric and Mental health online quiz

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Updated: 23/03/2021 — 11:41 am