Science Model Paper 2020 for Class 10th MP Board. Important Science Question for class 10th M.P Board asked in previous year examination 2018-19. MPBSE Class 10th Science Guess Paper/Blue Print Paper below.
- Name of Examination Board – Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education
- Type of Paper – Class 10th Model/Blue Print Paper 2020
- Name of Subject – Science
Science Model Paper 2020 Class 10th MP Board
Describe the process of Urine formation? Or Write any five differences between Aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration.
Explain – What is heat treatment of steel? Or what is polymerization? Write name and main uses of any three polymers.
Define detergents. Write any three differences between soap and detergent? Or Explain-Name the factors that affect the rate of a reaction.
What is photosynthesis? Write any three factors that affect photosynthesis. OR Write any five differences between Artery and Vein.
What is Genetics? Explain Medals Law of dominance with line diagram.
Draw a well labeled diagram of Electric Motor OR What is hypertrophy? Give its causes. Explain with the help of a labeled ray diagram, how it is corrected.
Explain compound microscope with diagram OR Draw a well labelled diagram of voltaic cell?
Write any four differences between nuclear fusion and nuclear fission. OR Explain the female reproductive organs of flower by a well labelled diagram.
What is Galaxy? OR Explain froth flotation process of concentration of ore.
Write chemical equation only-
- Zinc reacts with dilute sulfuric acid.
- Sulfuric acid reacts with caustic soda.
- Ammonia reacts with hydrogen chloride gas.
What is pollution? Writer any two preventive measures to control air pollution.
Science Model Paper 2020 Class 10th MP Board
Write any two characteristic of Jovian Planets. OR write any three differences between minerals and ores.
Write composition its percentage and uses of any there alloys OR What is rain water harvesting? Write the main aims of rain water harvesting?
W-rite the answer in one sentence –
- What is the main component of LPG?
- Write the name of Red Planet?
- Which disease is found in human due to deficiency of blood?
- What is the unit of Sound.
- Write one name of bisexual animal.
Define potential difference/Write the laws of refraction/Write two uses of convex mirror. What is absolute alcohol?/Write the name of any two enzymes
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