WB Police Constable Syllabus 2021/West Bengal Police Constable Syllabus 2021/West Bengal Police Constable Exam Pattern 2021/WB Exam Pattern 2021 for the post of male police constable and Lady Police Constable
- Total Number of Post of Male Constable – 7,440
- Lady Police constable total Post – 1,192
About Syllabus
NOTE- There will be Negative marking for each incorrect answer. One Fourth of the allotted marks for a particular question will be deducted for each incorrect answer. The Final Selection for West Bengal Police Constable With Comprise of a Witten Test, Physical Efficiency Test and Final Written Test With Interview.
The West Bengal Police Recruitment Board will decide the Plans and syllabus for the preliminary written examination. The qualifying marks in the preliminary written examination to appear for the second stage will be Fixed by the West Bengal Police Recruitment Board. The marks obtained by a candidate in the preliminary written test will not be considered for preparing final merit list.
West Bengal police Constable Syllabus 2021

The posts of male Constable/Lady Constable in the West Bengal Police shall be filled up on the basis of qualifying the Preliminary Written Test 2021
WB Constable Selection Process –
- Preliminary Written Test 2021
- Physical Measurement Test 2021 (PMT),
- Physical Efficiency Test 2021 (PET)
- Final Written exam 2021
- Interview (to be conducted by the Police Recruitment Board)
- Preliminary Written Test 2021 syllabus/Exam Pattern 2021 West Bengal Police Constable
- Applicants provisionally considered eligible will have to appear in an Multiple Choice Questions Based Preliminary written test which is passing in nature.
- There would be one hundred (100) Objective type questions having multiple choice of answer carrying one (01) mark each.
- The duration of this test will be one(01) hour.
- Question Paper will be set in two languages (The two languages are- Bengali and Nepali). Questions of the Preliminary Written Test shall be from the following subjects:-
Preliminary Written Examination syllabus west Bengal Police constable
(Questions will be placed on three subjects in One- Tier General Examination)
- General Awareness and General Knowledge (50 Mark)
- Elementary Mathematics (30 Mark)
- Reasoning (20 Mark)
- General Awareness and General knowledge:-
- History, Indian History
- Geography, Indian Geography
- West Bengal GK
- Indian Polity
- Current Affairs 2020-21 (Last 6 Month’s) Current event of National & international,
- Economy
- Elementary Mathematics:-
- Ratio and Decimals
- Figure classification & Proportion
- Arithmetical Computations & Verbal
- Menstruation and Number System
- Time and Work
- Distant and Tables Graphs
- LCM and HCF, Fraction
- Reasoning:-
- Problem solving and Differences
- Similarities and Relationship
- Arithmetical Reasoning and Visual memory
- Decision Making and Analytical functions
2. Physical Measurement Test 2021 for male Candidate (PMT) –
- Minimum Physical Measurement of Candidates:-
- 167 cm Height (For All Categories)
- 57kg Weight (For All Categories)
- 78 cm – 83cm Chest (For All Categories)
- 160 cm Height (For Scheduled Tribes)
- 53kg Weight (For Scheduled Tribes)
- 76 cm – 81cm Chest (For Scheduled Tribes)
- Physical Measurement Test 2021 for Female Candidates
- 160 cm Height (For All Categories)
- 49kg Weight (For All Categories)
- Not Applicable Chest (For All Categories)
- 152 cm Height (For Scheduled Tribes)
- 45kg Weight (For Scheduled Tribes)
- Not Applicable Chest (For Scheduled Tribes)
- 3. Physical Efficiency Test 2021 (PET) –
- Constable Male – 1600 meters run for 6:30 Minutes
- Constable Female – 800 meters run for 4 minutes
4. Final Witten Examination syllabus 2021 WB Police Constable
Questions will be placed on fourth subjects in Second(Final) Examination), The Final Written Exam Total 85 question ask in Examination one mark for each question. Final Selection is Based on the performance of Applicant in the final Written Test and Interview.
- English (25 Mark)
- Reasoning and Logical Analysis(15 Mark)
- General Awareness and General Knowledge (25 Mark)
- Elementary Mathematics (20 Mark)
- English – Grammar, Tense, Voice, Narration, Fill in the Blanks, Preposition, One word, Error Finding, etc.
- General Awareness and General knowledge:-
- Indian History, Indian Geography, Indian Economy
- West Bengal GK, West Bengal History, West Bengal Current Affairs
- Indian Politics
- Current Affairs 2020, Latest Current Affairs 2021 National Current event & international Current event, Games & Sports, Latest Awards
- Elementary Mathematics:-
- Percentage, age Problem, Ratio and Decimals
- Figure classification & Proportion
- Arithmetical Computations & Verbal
- Menstruation and Number System
- Time and Work
- Distant and Tables Graphs
- LCM and HCF, Fraction
- Reasoning and logical reasoning:-
- Problem solving and Differences
- Similarities and Relationship
- Arithmetical Reasoning and Visual memory
- Decision Making and Analytical functions
- Calendar, Clock, Blood Relation,
- Coding Decoding, Seating Arrangement
- Puzzle, Mirror, Direction, input output
- Dices, Older and Ranking
5. INTERVIEW:- (15 mark) A Limited number of candidates will be called for interview as per qualification. In the interview, the general awareness and suitability of the candidate for public service will be tested.
On the Basis of the marks obtained in the final written examination and interview, a merit list of the provisionally selected candidates will be prepared by the West Bengal Police Recruitment Board.
Medical Test
- Selected Candidate will be sent for Medical Test at the State Government designated hospital.
- Selected Candidate should be in well mental and physical health. They should be free from any deformity likely to interfere with efficient performance of their work.
- Candidate will undergo all necessary medical test as prescribed by the Department of health and Family Welfare, Govt. of West Bengal from time to time.
- The certificate of medical Fitness(CMF) will be issued by an authorized medical officer (MO)
Note:- If two or More Candidates secure the same total marks, their seniority in the last merit selection list will be decided by the marks obtained by the candidates in the last Written Examination. The one who secures top marks in the last Written Examination will precede in the Merit list. If the Marks secured in the last Written Examination are also the same then seniority will be determined by their ages. The one younger in age will find precedence in the Merit List. In case of same DOB the principle of determining seniority will be decided by the Board.
Post Detail- for Police Constable (Male Constable)
- Unreserved – 2,640
- Unreserved- 1,280
- SC Scheduled Caste – 1,120
- Scheduled Caste- 560 (E.C.)
- Scheduled Tribe – 320
- Schedule Tribe – 160 (E.C.)
- OBC A – 560
- O.B.C A- 240 (E.C.)
- OBC B – 400
- OBC B – 160 (E.C.)
Post Detail- for Police Constable (Lady Constable)
- Unreserved – 423
- Unreserved- 205
- Scheduled Caste – 179
- SC (Scheduled Caste)- 90 (E.C.)
- Scheduled Tribe – 51
- Schedule Tribe – 26(E.C.)
- OBC A – 90
- O.B.C A- 38 (E.C.)
- OBC B – 64
- OBC B – 26 (E.C.)
Download pdf full Notification & WB Lady Police Constable Syllabus 2021